Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The return of KATRINA

Oh yes! Katrina is back and it's harder than ever! but don't worry this time the only thing that can be affected by this bad fenomenon is you BMX bike when you start to practice this Crazy Trick:

This is Terry Adams's last creation. He named it KATRINA because he learned it when the KATRINA was still punching USA. Starting from a crack-packer directly into a back-packer... SICK!!

And after all int(r)o the BLOGS shit...

After so much bullshit I though about blogs and bloggin' here I am... :S trapped inside the new trendy child. Basically this little space here has comes as a replacement for my good old BMX page www.balancextremo.tk (RIP). Hopefully I'' keep up with everything I was doing, I'll try to keep posting photos, news, and everything regarding the "urban alternative life" of bmx Flatland riding and any other aromatic flavors, from the Dominica Republic scene and hopefully the whole world. ADIOS!